Online Learning: Learning Paths

Ratemaking for Electric Utilities

Length: 3 hours
Subscription: 2 months - 12 months
Cost: $295 - $350
Prerequisites: None

This course covers the principles behind ratemaking for electric utilities including key concepts, determination of revenues that must be collected to cover costs and provide an acceptable return, methods for allocating revenues between customer classes, design of rate structures, calculation and implementation of new rates, and evolution of ratemaking with changes in the electricity industry.

This course comprises the following modules:

  • Introduction to Ratemaking
  • Determining the Revenue Requirement
  • Allocating the Revenue Requirement
  • Determining Rate Design
  • Calculating and Implementing New Rates
  • Evolution of Ratemaking

Following is a more detailed outline of content contained in the Ratemaking for Electric Utilities online course.

Introduction to Ratemaking

  • What ratemaking is and what it does
  • Various objectives that ratemaking must balance
  • Why ratemaking is fundamental to a utility's financial stability and customer satisfaction
  • Who regulates ratemaking
  • The concept of cost-of-service ratemaking
  • Principles behind setting rates
  • Non-financial considerations for rates
  • The ratemaking process including the general rate case

Determining the Revenue Requirement

  • What the revenue requirement is
  • Steps in determining the revenue requirement
  • The project team
  • Selecting a test year
  • Collecting data
  • Determining the rate base 
  • Setting the capital structure
  • Determining the rate of return
  • Forecasting usage and expenses
  • Calculating the revenue requirement
  • Addressing regulatory lag
  • Revenue requirement adjustments between rate case cycles

Allocating the Revenue Requirement

  • What revenue allocation is
  • The cost-of-service study
  • Steps in the cost-of-service process
  • Defining customer classes
  • The cost allocation process
  • Functionalizing costs
  • Classifying costs
  • Developing allocation factors
  • Implementing revenue allocation to determine each class's revenue

Determining Rate Design

  • What rate design is
  • The steps in the rate design process
  • Rate design considerations
  • Determining cost causation
  • Determining customer classes
  • Technology impacts on ratemaking
  • Determining charge types and structures for each customer class
  • Determining other charges and fees
  • Determining payments for DER services
  • Allocating revenue to each charge type

Calculating and Implementing Rates

  • The steps in the rate calculation process
  • Examples of rate calculations
  • Determining rate impacts
  • Setting a rate implementation plan
  • Communicating rate changes
  • Helping consumer-members manage rate impacts
  • Monitoring rates

Evolution of Ratemaking

  • Ongoing monitoring of rates
  • The electric industry evolution
  • Potential new co-op services
  • How industry evolution impacts utilities' rate practices
  • Rate design innovations
  • Adapting to continual change

Contact us at 866-765-5432 or e-mail for more information.

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