Online Learning: Courses

Integrating Distributed Energy Resources into the Bulk Electric System

Length: 55 minutes
Subscription: 1 month - 12 months
Cost: $79 - $99
Prerequisites: None

This course covers how Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) impact the bulk electric system (BES) including changes to the resource mix and impacts on operations and planning. Both challenges and potential benefits are considered.

What you will learn:

  • Characteristics of DERs that impact BES reliability
  • How DERs impact key BES reliablility factors
  • Challenges presented by DERs and potential solutions 
  • Benefits DERs may provide to the BES

Following is a more detailed outline of content contained in the Integrating Distributed Energy Resources into the Bulk Electric System online course.

Course content:

  • Introduction
    • Definition of DERs
    • Definition of the BES
    • Why DERs have different impacts than centralized generation
    • Definition of reliability
    • Key factors for reliable operation of the BES
  • Impacts of DERs on frequency
    • Principles of managing frequency
    • Tools for frequency management
    • DERs' impact on frequency
    • Challenges and how they are addressed (loss of visibility, supply variability, lack of inertia, and need for ride-through)
    • Potential benefits of DERs
  • Impacts of DERs on voltage
    • Principles of managing voltage
    • Tools for voltage management
    • DERs' impact on voltage
    • Challenges and how they are addressed (lack of reactive power control, fluctuation in reactive flows, lack of visibility, and need for ride-through)
    • Potential benefits of DERs
  • Impacts of DERs on protection
    • Principles of fault currents and protection
    • How DERs impact protection
    • Challenges and how they are addressed (unexpected fault currents, reverse flow)
  • Impacts of DERs on resource adequacy
    • Principles of resource adequacy
    • Flexible resource adequacy
    • Challenges and how they are addressed (lack of visibility, net load curve changes, flexible capacity needs, fast growth rates)
    • Potential benefits of DERs
  • Impacts of DERs on power flow
    • Principles of power flow analysis
    • Network models
    • Challenges and how they are addressed (inadequate data, insufficient modeling, unexpected power flows)

Contact us at 866-765-5432 or e-mail for more information.

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