Understanding today’s electricity business begins with a solid foundation in electric industry basics. This Electric Industry Overview course bundle presents a clear and easy-to-understand fundamental overview of this unique business. Whether new to the industry or a veteran who is looking for a deeper understanding of the electricity business, this learning path helps participants make sense of this dynamic industry. Note that three versions of this learning path are available: U.S.; Canadian/U.S.; and Global.
This learning path comprises the following modules:
- Introduction
- Electric Customers
- The Electric Delivery System
- Electric System Operations
- Electric Regulation
- Electricity Marketplace Overview
- The Future of Electricity
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Following is a more detailed outline of content contained in the Electric Industry Overview online course.
- Course objectives
- Why electricity is unique and critical
- Units
Electric Customers
- The three key types of end-use customers (residential, commercial, industrial)
- Wholesale customers (utilities, marketers)
- Number of customers in each class
- Usage patterns for each class
- The importance of peak demand and overall system demand curves
- Key residential, commercial, and industrial uses of electricity and the resulting demand curves
- Aggregate demand, daily and seasonal load curves, annual and seasonal peak demand
- What affects demand curves
- Customer needs
- Services available to satisfy customer needs (bundled utility service, unbundled utility distribution with competitive supply service, self-generation, alternate fuels, energy efficiency)
- Typical utility rate structures (flat rate, time-of-use, demand charges, green power)
- Average rates and electric prices by state and by customer type
- Why rates vary by customer type
The Electric Delivery System
- An overview of the electric delivery system
- Electric circuits
- The five steps involved in system planning
- How supply planning is different in competitive markets
- Transmission and distribution system planning
- The various generation types and their characteristics (operational, financial, and environmental)
- Generation costs (capital, variable, and levelized)
- The effect of fuel and emission costs
- Operational characteristics including location, start time, and ramp flexibility
- How demand side management is used as an alternative to generation
- The generation supply curve (how supply is matched to demand)
- The electrical transmission system (description, costs, and characteristics)
- The electrical distribution system (description, costs, and characteristics)
- System reliability
- The Smart Grid
- Information technology
Electric System Operations
- The four key physical characteristics of electrical systems
- The functions of a system (control area) operator
- Which organizations provide the system operator function including utilities, power agencies, and ISOs/RTOs
- Regulation and oversight of reliability by NERC and FERC
- How system operators run the system including demand forecasting, unit scheduling and dispatch, ramping units in real time, and monitoring
- The concept of least cost dispatch subject to constraints
- What ancillary services are and how they are scheduled and used in real time (frequency regulation, spinning reserve, non-spinning reserve, supplemental reserve, voltage support or VARs, black start)
- Transmission scheduling and power flow models
- How a system operator balances the system in real time
- How cascading outages are avoided
- System operators in a competitive market
Electric Regulation
- What regulation is
- Why the electric industry is regulated including the goals of regulators
- The traditional vertically integrated electric market structure
- Market participants under the vertically integrated structure including various types of utilities, and non-utility generators and suppliers
- Unbundling of the vertically integrated structure
- The four market models (ranging from highly regulated to less regulated) plus a hybrid
- Regions in the U.S. with competitive wholesale and retail markets
- Five functions of regulation
- Who the regulators are (federal, state, and local) and what areas of the industry they regulate
- The federal and state regulatory compacts
- Four examples of regulatory proceedings (rulemakings, rate cases, certificate cases, complaint cases) and how this process works
- The cost-of-service ratemaking process, step by step
- Incentive regulation and where this is used
- Market-based ratemaking and where this is used
- The ways in which regulation impacts utilities and other market participants
Electricity Marketplace Overview
- The variety of market structures in the U.S. and how they evolved
- Traditional market participants and their roles (IOUs, munis and PUDs, co-ops, federal power agencies, ESCOs, IPPs, and electric marketers)
- Competitive market participants and their roles (merchant generators, ISOs and RTOs, electronic exchanges and clearinghouses, wholesale marketers and retail marketers, financial services companies, transmission companies, UDCs, load-serving entities, and ESCOs)
- How participants make money (regulated and competitive)
- Wholesale transactions and services (energy, capacity, ancillary services, transmission rights, financial risk management)
- Retail transactions and services (energy, energy efficiency, DSM, power reliability, power quality, energy information)
- How prices are set in regulated markets
- How prices are set in competitive markets including locational marginal pricing
- Supply and demand and why traditional economic rules don’t always apply to the electric business
- Why electric prices can be volatile
- Electric market risks and how they can be mitigated
The Future of Electricity
- Load growth
- Demand side management (DSM)
- Electric vehicles and space heating
- Climate change
- Electric storage
- Smart grids, microgrids, and distributed resources
- Information technology
- The future of regulation, technology, markets, and the workplace
- The top 10 challenges
- The energy company of tomorrow