The utility business model, stable for almost a century, is undergoing a dramatic reinvention. Rapidly changing technologies (including utility-scale solar and wind, batteries and other storage, rooftop solar and other distributed generation, advanced demand response, electric vehicles, microgrids, advanced communications and control capabilities, renewable natural gas, biogas, and fuel cells) combined with rising competition from non-utility service providers are pushing utilities and their regulators to rethink how utilities offer services and make money. This seminar begins with a detailed study of technological, regulatory, and marketplace changes and their impacts on the energy industry. Participants are then invited to collaboratively develop visions for how utilities can not only survive, but thrive in a changing world.
What participants will learn
- Key technology, market, regulatory, and policy forces impacting energy companies
- How new technologies impact the operation and design of electric and gas grids
- How changes in markets, regulation, and policy impact your company as a whole, as well as your specific work group
- Expected changes in customer desires and how these will affect the services a successful energy company will offer
- Tools to develop your own vision of future electric and gas grid operations and future electric and gas market structures
- Future energy company business models including services offered and earnings possibilities and the challenges and opportunities associated with each approach
- Strategies employed by other leading energy companies
Contact us at 866-765-5432 or e-mail for more information.