Energy Insider: Training Room

Learn the Electric or Gas Industry in Just One Hour!

by John Ferrare, Enerdynamics CEO

Some employees don't need to learn in-depth but do need a good overview of their industry to better perform in their jobs. Enerdynamics' new Condensed Online Learning Paths provide just that. In one hour, employees can get a complete overview of the electric or gas industry in a fun and interactive online format.

The development of this condensed offering has been quite the journey. Enerdynamics has produced online energy training for more than a decade, and the evolution of this medium has been fascinating. Our original attempts at online training online were in response to various requests for videotaped versions of our instructor-led live seminars. We tried to replicate the live seminar experience by using PowerPoint slides from the live seminars, cutting down the content in some areas, and having the instructor do a voiceover with the slides. This was recorded and made available on DVD. While this offered the convenience of training wherever and whenever, it was arguably more boring than sitting in a classroom. 

This format was followed by a true online platform (rather than DVD) that included more animation and often professional narration. Fast forward to Enerdynamics' online training in 2017 and the sky’s the limit: Amazing technological advances and an internal team dedicated exclusively to building online content has drastically elevated our customers' online training experience. Today's online courses allow for participant interaction, brilliant graphics, video, and much more. 

As the quality of our online products has improved dramatically in 10 years, one common request from our online clients has always been to offer shorter courses. Employees simply have too many daily demands to spend hours on a single course. In answer to these cries, Enerdynamics recently rolled out condensed versions of some of its most popular learning paths starting with Electric Industry Overview and Gas Industry Overview. The traditional version of each of these learning paths takes about 4.5 hours to complete. Using Rise, Articulate's new authoring tool, we've created interactive lessons that condense a single module down to 10 minutes and an entire learning path down to an hour or so. The result is visually pleasing, easy to follow, and it maintains interactivity and engagement throughout. Each module ends with a short assessment.

Feedback so far has been great. It appears the market for these high-level industry intros may even exceed the market for their full-length cousins. In time we plan to offer condensed versions of all of our courses and learning paths. Learn more about each condensed learning path by clicking on a title below:

And for those who think even 10 minutes is too long, check back for news on our Energy KnowledgeBase online encyclopedia. Details are coming in our next Energy Insider issue!

Questions about Enerdynamics' condensed learning paths or any other online training we offer? Contact John Ferrare by email or at 866-765-5432 ext. 700.

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